ViMill®, the ultimate solution to collision risks
Over 40 years ago, Fidia has been the first one introducing the “look ahead” concept: the CNC “looks ahead” the programmed tool path in order to optimize acceleration and velocity of the machine. With ViMill, this concept has been extended to safety. ViMill is a software package, where the “look ahead” function has evolved to predicting any possible collision for safer machining.
What does ViMill® do?
Being totally integrated in the Fidia numerical control, ViMill can operate full time, covering any working condition of the machine: part program execution, manual data input, tool change cycle, measuring and alignment cycles and manual axis positioning by jog pushbutton or hand-wheel. When ViMill is running, the Fidia NC control continuously checks out any possible collision between the moving parts of the machine, such as the milling head, tool, rotary table; and the fixed parts, such as the work-piece, clamps or table. Whenever a possible collision is detected, the control puts all the machine axes in the ‘hold’ condition and displays an appropriate message on the screen. The operator can then act accordingly and restart machining.
Being totally integrated in the Fidia numerical control, ViMill can operate full time, covering any working condition of the machine
ViMill is not just a simulator of the process; ViMill is an online monitor of the process that is watching out for whatever may happen on the machine, stopping the machine no matter what the reason of the collision is.
How is ViMill® different?
Checking the part programs using an offline simulation software avoids executing on the machine files that may include any formal or positioning error, but it cannot grant that the real machining matches exactly the simulation. No simulator can protect your work piece and your machine in case of unpredictable events during machine operation. ViMill not only informs about collisions due to errors in the part program but also protects the work piece, the fixtures and machine in any unexpected case of mistake, mishandling or incorrect typing during machine operation. ViMill has been conceived, designed and developed specifically for this purpose. ViMill is not just a simulator of the process; ViMill is an online monitor of the process that is watching out for whatever may happen on the machine, stopping the machine no matter what the reason of the collision is.
When operating in online mode, ViMill works on the Fidia control, during the
machining. This operating mode makes ViMill unique and it offers the most
interesting benefits to the machine user.
How does ViMill® work?
ViMill can operate either in offline or in online mode. In both cases the models of the machine, the cutting tool and the raw work piece are to be imported on ViMill.
Offline mode
When operating in offline mode, ViMill simulates the machining, checking the syntax of each block and detecting possible collisions, all this, while the machine is displayed on the screen, showing the progress of the milling. In this way, the user can verify if the part program is consistent with the intended milling process. Offline ViMill can work on Fidia control or on a separate computer.
Online mode
When operating in online mode, ViMill works on the Fidia control, during the machining. This operating mode makes ViMill unique and it offers the most interesting benefits to the machine user. While the part program is being executed, online ViMill checks a suitable number of blocks ahead, so that a possible collision can be detected in advance stopping the machine in time avoiding the collision. Having direct access to the data of the numerical control, online ViMill is able to check the next actual positions of the machine. Such positions have been calculated in advance by the numerical control, on the base of the part program and of several milling parameters, such as origin position, offsets, scale factors, rotation angles, tool length, as set by the machine operator. So online ViMill bases its analysis on the actual machine position and not, as offline simulators do, on theoretical ones. In addition, online ViMill monitors any movement of the machine controlled by manual data input, jog or hand-wheel. Online ViMill supervises the milling process, detecting in advance any possible collisions, either due to errors in the part program, misuse of the control or the machine itself.
Fidia has developed these ‘plug-in’ modules in partnership with several CAD/CAM companies. They allow ViMill to access the CAD/CAM database and get the required data directly.
Simple link to CAD/CAM
ViMill requires the following data:
- the model of the milling machine;
- the model of the cutting tools;
- the model of the raw material to be machined;
- the model of clamps and any other feature fixed on the machine at the time of milling;
Cutting tool can be described with simple geometrical data while all other models are intended to be 3D models in STL format. Fidia, provides the machine model together with the machine, the user will then upload all the other models and part programs for each machining. The generation and the upload of these models are significantly simplified by using specific interface software, called ‘plug-in’, connecting ViMill and the CAD/CAM system used to generate the part programs. Fidia has developed these ‘plug-in’ modules in partnership with several CAD/CAM companies. They allow ViMill to access the CAD/CAM database and get the required data directly. ‘Plug-in’ modules are available for the most common CAD/CAM systems, while specific ones can be developed upon request.
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