
Velocity 5

  • Velocity5 logo Fidia
  • KR199 e Velocity5 Fidia
  • Controlli numerici fidia
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High speed machining with Velocity 5™!

High speed and accuracy of complex surfaces machining are the most known and appreciated features of Fidia CNC Numerical Controls. Years of rigorous and close collaboration with top End Users and Machine Tools Builder has allowed Fidia to be on the leading edge in CNC’s technology of complex surface milling. Velocity 5™ is a further significant step in speed and quality improvement. It is available on the full current range of Fidia numerical controls and can be installed as retrofitting on many of those already operating.

Software V5r5

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New functions available on Fidia CNC with Software version


Software version V5r5.0 is now available on the full range of Fidia controls. It includes several new functions and improvements of already existing functions.

Valmold Services

  • GTF
  • GTF22 acciaio
  • GTF22 e testa M5A Fidia
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The versatility of Fidia’s milling systems. Contagious energy!

From the grape-growing hills of Burgundy, you reach the industrial district of Crissey, near Chalon sur Saône, where there is one of the most innovative companies on the mould technology panorama, Valmold Services. During our visit to look at the creation of a new 3 and 5 axes milling concept, with mechanical operations including boring, threading and tapping in integrated machining processes, we met Franck Verhaeghe, head of the company since 2007, and asked him about his new approach to milling complex forms.