
Featuring a linear and compact design, the C20 numerical control is ideal for 3- and 5- axis high range milling machines.
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Designed to be extremely compact and versatile, it adopts a physical keyboard and a newly designed button panel which increase usability and ergonomics. With the 18.5" wide multi-touch and full HD screen, everything is kept under control and supervised.


Featuring a linear and compact design, the C20 numerical control is ideal for 3- and 5- axis high range milling machines.
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C20: High performance


Designed to be extremely compact and versatile, it adopts a physical keyboard and a newly designed button panel which increase usability and ergonomics. With the 18.5" wide multi-touch and full HD screen, everything is kept under control and supervised.

C40 Vision

The Fidia C40 Vision is a high power CNC, suitable for the most complex applications and high speed machining, in the aerospace, automotive and energy industries. The multi-processor architecture gives access to the most advanced features developed by Fidia to improve efficiency and safety on the machine.


Featuring a linear and compact design, the C20 numerical control is ideal for 3- and 5- axis high range milling machines.
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C20: High performance


With the nC19, Fidia has produced a compact and efficient control. It features optimized electronics and is particularly suited to modern machine tools.

Sostegno all’Emilia-Romagna

Un sostengo concreto per l’Emilia Romagna e la comunità in cui operiamo Con una donazione a favore della @Protezione Civile dell’Emilia – Romagna vogliamo supportare la fase di ricostruzione e recupero ambientale dopo l’alluvione che ha recentemente devastato la regione. Allo studio anche interventi di sostegno per i nostri dipendenti dello stabilimento di Forlì. Per ampliare la rete d’aiuto, invitiamo tutti i nostri dipendenti, clienti e contatti internazionali a fornire un aiuto concreto in sostengo alle popolazioni duramente colpite. (IBAN: IT69G0200802435000104428964. Causale: “ALLUVIONE EMILIA-ROMAGNA”). Insieme siamo più forti news